HiPS2FITS thumbnails matrix generator

Easy generation of thumbnails for a list of targets and HiPS

This page will allow you to easily generate a page with thumbnails, generated from the hips2fits service, for a list of targets (positions or object names) and a list of HiPS surveys.

Or upload a list of HiPS datasets:

× pixels

(equatorial coordinates or object name)
Or upload a list of targets:


API Endpoints

This thumbnail matrix service has 2 independent endpoints:



Input parameters

NB: each parameter value must be properly (percent-)encoded

Parameter name Description Comment
hips Comma-separated list of ID or keyword identifying the HiPS to use Compulsory
If multiple HiPS surveys match one of the keywords, all matching HiPSes will be taken into account
width Width in pixels of the output image Compulsory
Max width: 500 pixels
height Height in pixels of the output image Compulsory
Max height: 500 pixels
projection Name of the requested projection, eg: SIN, TAN, MOL, AIT, CAR, CEA, STG Compulsory.
See this page for an exhaustive list.
fov Size (FoV) of the cutout on the sky, in decimal degrees Compulsory.
This is the size of the largest dimension of the image.
ra Comma-separated list of Right Ascension values in decimal degrees for the center of the output image Compulsory if object is not provided
dec Comma-separated list of Declination values in decimal degrees of the center of the output image Compulsory if object is not provided
coordsys Coordinate frame system to be used for the projection Possible values are icrs or galactic
Default value is icrs
rotation_angle Angle value (in decimal degrees) to be applied to the projection Default value is 0
object Name of the object the output image will be centered on
The name will be resolved to coordinated by the Sesame service.
If wcs is missing, either object or (ra, dec) must be provided
inverse_longitude Set to true if you want longitudes to be increasing from left to right. Mostly useful for planetary HiPS maps. Defaults to true for planetary surfaces HiPS, false otherwise.
format Format of the output image Allowed values are jpg (default), jpg and png
In case of jpg or png format, scaling of the pixels value can be controlled with parameters min_cut, max_cut and stretch (see below)
min_cut Minimal value considered for contrast adjustment normalization Can be given as a percentile value, for example min_cut=1.5%Default value is 0.5%
max_cut Maximal value considered for contrast adjustment normalization Can be given as a percentile value, for example max_cut=97%Default value is 99.5%
stretch Stretch function used for contrast adjustmnt Possible values are: power, linear, sqrt, log, asinh
Default value is linear
cmap Name of the color map Any colormap supported by Matplotlib can be specificed
Default value is Greys_r (grayscale)
show_labels Display labels (HiPS identifiers or target names) on top of the thumbnails Possible values: true or false
Default: true
group_by Group thumbnails by HiPS or by target in the HTML result page Possible values: hips or target
Default: target


width and height of the thumbnails can not exceed 500 pixels.


Here are a few examples of thumbnails pages you can generate: