MocServer / Examples v5.10 - June 2024
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MOC Server tool for retrieving as fast as possible the list of astronomical data sets (37614 catalogs, surveys, ... harvested from CDS and VO servers) having at least one observation in a specifical sky region/and or time range. The default result is an ID list. MOC Server is based on Multi-Order Coverage maps (MOC) described in the IVOA REC. standard.

Full manual is available in English and French.

This page provides a list of MocServer query examples

The examples below demonstrate some capabilities of the MocServer which is containing currently 37614 data sets descriptions (MOC and properties). The response times are generally a few dozens of milliseconds (without taking into account the network transfert and the browser parsing).
  1. Around M31 - IDs of all data sets in 5 deg around M31
    Returns the ID list of all data sets overlapping a circle of 10 degree diameter centered on M31

  2. In 2000 - IDs of all data sets in 2000
    Returns the ID list of all data sets having on observation during the year 2000

  3. Overlapping a STC polygon - IDs of all data sets overlapping a polygon

  4. Containing a STC polygon - IDs of all data sets fully containing a polygon
    Returns the ID list of all data sets which contains the area described by the STC polygon

  5. HST data sets over SDSS - IDs of HST collections overlapping SDSS observations
    Returns the ID list of all data sets overlapping SDSS MOC (downloading by URL) and provides thosefor which their ID contains the substring "P/HST/"

  6. Overlapping an STMOC - IDs of all data sets overlapping an inline STMOC
    Returns the ID list of all data sets overlapping the inline MOC t16/6020-6022 s3/128 4/345-510

  7. SCUBA2 spatial coverage - Spatial MOC of SCUBA2 observations
    Provides the spatial MOC of the SCUBA2 850em observations. The MOC is provided in FITS format. For displaying the result, clic and drag this URL in Aladin Desktop.

  8. GALEX & HERSCHEL spatial union - Spatial MOC of the GALEX and HERSCHEL coverage
    Provides the union of spatial MOCs of GALEX-NUV and HERSCHEL-PACS observations

  9. A&AS spatial coverage - Spatial MOC of all A&AS tables
    Provides the union of spatial MOCs of all tables published in A&AS. The resulting MOC is provided in JSON format (not IVOA standard)

  10. AJ temporal coverage - Temporal MOC of all Aj tables
    Provides the union of temporal MOCs all all tables published in AJ.

  11. SDSS & GALEX spatial intersection - Spatial MOC of the intersection of SDSS coverage and GALEX coverage
    Provides the spatio-temporal MOC of the LAMOST DR4 observations. This STMOC is provided in FITS format

  12. Spatio-temporal coverage of LAMOST - Spatio-temporal MOC of the LAMOST DR4 observations
    Provides the spatio-temporal MOC of all coincidental observations in time and space of LAMOST & ALMA calibrator cat observations

  13. LAMOST & ALMA calibrator cat co-coincidental coverage - Spatio-temporal MOC of the LAMOST & ALMA calibrator cat coincidental observations
    Return the ID list of all resources having coincidental observations with SDSS DR9 quasar catalog

  14. IDs of STMOC intersection - IDs of STMOC intersection with SDSS DR9 quasar catalog

  15. xcatdb properties - Properties of all data sets provides by xcatdb

  16. CDS HiPS pixel data sets - IDs of all CDS HiPS pixel data sets
    Returns the ID list of all HiPS pixel data sets generated by CDS

  17. Radio data sets - IDs of all Radio data sets
    Returns the ID list of all data sets having an "obs_regime" or a "client_category" property containing the "Radio" word

  18. NASA related records - Properties of all NASA related data sets
    Returns the properties of all data sets having at least one field containing the "NASA" word

  19. NASA counter - Number of records NASA related
    Returns the number of records having at least one field containing the "NASA" word

  20. Seyfert location - MOC of all Seyfert data set
    Provides the union of MOCs of all data sets having an "obs_astronomy_kw" property starting with "Seyfert"

  21. OIII & velocity in HST coverage - IDs of all data sets with OIII & velocity measurements overlapping HST observations
    Provides the ID list of all data sets with OIII & velocity measurements, and overlapping the MOC union of all HST observations. In this example, the MocServer is used twice: one time for providing the HST MOC, and a second time for comparing it with the other data sets.

  22. Coverage of OIII & velocity in HST - MOC of all data sets with OIII & velocity measurements overlapping HST observations
    Same request but for retrieving resulting MOC rather than IDs.

  23. Extended catalogs - Description of all tables covering more than an half of the sky
    Provides some properties (ID, description, sky fraction) of all tables covering an half sky or more.The output format is JSON.

  24. Copyright filtering - Advanced record filtering based on field names with wildcards
    Provides the records for which one copyright fields contains the word NASA or ESA, and a field contains the word DSS

  25. URL filtering - HiPS URLs search
    Provides the records of HiPS distributed simultaneously by saada and alasky http server

  26. HiPS colored surveys - HiPS colored surveys access
    Provides the list of available HiPS colored surveys (ID & base URL) in JSON format

  27. HiPS DSS colored - DSS colored HiPS mirror sites
    Provides the list of sites publishing the HiPS DSS colored

  28. HiPS Gaia resources - Full set algebrica language filtering
    Provides the ID list of HiPS Gaia data sets except simulations thanks to this expression: ((obs_*=*gaia* || ID=*gaia*) && hips_service_url=*) &! obs_*=*simu*